Spotlight: Thomas Englis

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“Venture capital is a very opaque field – there aren’t many resources that describe how one can break into it, how to prepare for an interview, or what VC’s are looking for in a hire. As someone who was able to successfully navigate that process, I think it's important that I share what I’ve learned and make it more accessible for people to really break into the industry. As we bring more clarity to this field my hope is that more people will be drawn to it and therefore the next generation of VC’s will be of a higher caliber than what exists today. This is especially important as VC’s exercise an outsized influence over new technology and the direction of innovation.

As a mentor, I try to take the time to get to know my mentee as an individual in order to figure out what drives them and where there goals are. As my understanding of the individual evolves, the things we talk about and their action items often change as well. I’ve learned that giving advice is easy, but delivering it in a way that makes it “click” for the listener is a challenge. People may not always be receptive to certain kinds of advice or anecdotes. Usually they need to spend some time thinking and grappling with an idea before they are be ready to implement the advice. For this reason I view mentorship as a back and forth exchange of ideas, instead of

Hear from other fellows and mentors


Michael Hammer

Economics, Mathematics @John Hopkins

"I know Thomas actually cares because he's agreed to take a mentee under his wing. For me, that's been very valuable. This is something even good universities like Johns Hopkins just doesn't really provide. You pay a ton of money and you don't get that value."



Max Liu

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"Being invested in their growth means recognizing that the people you are coaching today could be the same people you reach out to advice tomorrow and actively being a coach to make that happen."